
Bake Along #77 – Gluten Free Cashew Cranberry Cookies


Bake Along #77 – Gluten Free Cashew Cranberry Cookies

While I had little time to research more on gluten free cakes, and bakes on the healthier side, I knew how important that subject of the study is. I think it has to be one’s forte to work on healthy bakes. And that forte definitely comes from passion and if not for it, it is not easy to work on it. Throughout my journey as a baker, there are several areas of baking that I thought will be my path from there on. But they have not really turned out to be what I might have visioned about it.

It just started from trying to add advertisements in my blog when I first began, to deciding not to keep ads in my space. Because it just didn’t work for me, be it for the hits or for adsense rejecting my application more than thrice.

Finally I decided blogging is not my forte, this ain’t for me

After few months, when I ventured out to the baking supplies store, I decided to have a space for a store and Fondbites, Store was born. It was proper online shopping with a typical shopping cart. I worked on it for more than a month without doing anything else, getting the shopping cart done, all by myself. It was up and running for so many months and there were even transactions happening when I was thinking, probably store was my forte. Slowly in few months it was clear that it was not for me. Not my cup of tea. The store was shut down

A never let go attitude and very very high levels of perseverance I would have survived the situation to go forward and not just these two but many many more situations and hurdles have I come across to decide what is my forte. In one of my recent classes, I hear one of my student tell me this, ‘If ever you think of any alternative career, teaching it is’. It took some time for me to understand what it meant. But yeah when I understood I had goosebumps and I know today, my forte is teaching and it will for ever be pertaining to bakes and all cakes

So this story to tell you all, as I have zero background on baking, I had to do all the learning all by myself so my line of focus was always on the traditional method of baking and I had no focus towards healthy bakes whatsoever . But yes obviously when there is too much of baking happening in the home front, where as, I don’t bake to feed my family at all. Most of my versions are tried, tested and then gifted . But when it comes to most of you who bake and feed your family you have to focus on the fact of using alternative flours into your baking that way gluten is cut down in your diet and the exposure of using alternative flour can one day become a practice.

Let this be the beginning to many of you, venturing into healthy bakes and probably one day, it might be your forte and you might specialize just in all healthy bakes.

This recipe was one of the winning recipes of ‘Bake it Perfect’, an e-baking contest that I came up with few months back. Priya Suresh, an awesome blogger, blogs at Priya’s Versatile Recipes and Cook N Click is undoubtedbly a very talented baker. She has been part of the bake along journey for almost a year now and is such an active member keeping the spirits of the group very high. With all enthusiasm of her participation on the contest, these gluten free cashew and cranberry cookies are definitely a winning one for her and also for all of us.


  • Ragi Flour (Finger Millet) – 1/2 Cup
  • Cashew – 1 Cup, Grind coarsely
  • Cornflour – 1/8 cup
  • Sugar – 1/2 Cup
  • Honey – 1/4 Cup
  • Egg – 1
  • Baking powder – 1/2 teaspoon
  • Butter – 1/4 Cup
  • Pure Vanilla extract – 1 teaspoon
  • Dried Cranberries – 1/2 cup, (Raisins or any dried fruits or a mix of dried fruits can be used)


1. Line up a baking tray with silicon mat/butter paper. Pre-heat your oven to 180 degree C. Dry roast the ragi flour in simmer for 2 minutes, this step is essential to get rid of the raw smell of ragi. Keep aside.

2. In a bowl add the sugar, honey, oil and egg. Whisk until the sugar dissolves.

3. Now add the coarsely grounded cashew powder, ragi flour into the liquid mixture.

4. On top of it add cornflour, baking powder, vanilla extract and cranberries.

5. Use a whisk to slowly bring them together like a dough. If the dough is sticky, you can cling wrap and refrigerate for 2 hours to overnight until the dough firms up. If you want to bake them immediately, the dough can be used right away also.

6. If the dough has been refrigerated, you can make balls. If the dough is being used fresh, then you can scoop them using ice cream scoops. Place them at 1 inch interval in the prepared baking tray.

7. Bake in preheated oven for 15 to 20 minutes at 180 degree C. The bottom edge of the cookies should turn slightly brown and the top should be puffed up. Cool on wire rack.

They are best the day they are made. Definitely goes great with a hot cuppa tea or coffee or you can choose to dunk them in some plain milk with sugar. Yumm!!

If your kids liked these, then you don’t really have a reason to not add ragi in your food regime. Ragi is one of my favourite millets. I have been using it extensively in different forms for both my kids when they were babies. But now once they are grown up I am still finding ways to add them into my regime and have not succeeded yet