
Bake Along #115 – Best Ever Biscotti

Bake Along #115 – Best Ever Biscotti

Bake Along #115 – Best Ever Biscotti

Biscottis are a great snack, because they can be made in huge numbers and stored for long. Dunked into tea or coffee makes a great pair for the evening. And the flavors that can be added to have a range of variations can make it never get tired of making them over and over again.

Biscottis are crispy cookies which are baked twice. You first make the cookie dough and form a log shape and bake it once. You have a soft cookie log ready. Then the baked cookie log is cut into diagonal pieces and baked again on both sides until crispy. Baking the cookies twice, lets go of all the moisture from the cookie and keeps it very crisp for several days.


Recipe inspired – Brown Eyed Baker

  • Eggs – 3
  • Granulated white sugar – 3/4 cups
  • Cooking oil 1/2 cup
  • Milk – 1/8 cup
  • Vanilla – 1 teaspoon
  • All-purpose flour – 4 cups
  • Baking powder – 2 teaspoons
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon
  • Chocolate chips – 1 cup
  • Walnuts/Cashew – 1/2 cup


1. Line up a baking tray with butter paper/silicon mat. Pre-heat oven to 180 degree C. Sift together all-purpose flour, baking powder and salt. Set aside. Add eggs into the bowl of your electric beater.

2. Beat the eggs on medium high speed for 2 minutes until it turns pale and thick. Add the sugar slowly while you keep beating. Do not add the sugar at one go, it may shock the eggs.

3. Keep beating the eggs and sugar on medium high speed for 5 minutes until the mixture turns pale yellow and ribbon consistency.

4. Add oil in a slow stream while you keep beating. Do not add the oil all at one go. Beat for 1 minute until the oil is completely incorporated.

5. Add the milk in a slow stream while you keep beating.

6. Add vanilla and beat until incorporated.

7. Now add the flour mixture in 3 parts and beat just until incorporated after each addition. Do not over beat.

8. Add the nuts and chocolate chips. Beat again just until incorporated

9. Transfer the cookie dough in your working counter. Divide the dough into 2 equal parts.

10. Make a log out of each of the cookie dough portion. Each log should be approximately 9 inches long and 3 inches wide. Place the log in the prepared baking tray, spaced well apart.

11. Bake the cookie logs in the oven at 180 degree C for 20 to 25 minutes until the top of the cookie log is golden brown in colour. Cool on wire rack for 10 to 15 minutes.

12. Use a serrated knife and cut the cookie log, diagonally into slices that are half an inch thick.

13. Place the cut slices of the biscotti in the baking tray, with the sides facing the top.

14. Bake in the pre-heated oven at 200 degree C for 12 minutes.

15. Flip over all the biscotti to the other side and bake again for 12 more minutes at 200 degree C. The biscotti will change to a lovely golden colour on the outside.

Store the biscottis in airtight container and they keep well for about a month.