
Bake Along #41 – Chocolate Cookies


Bake Along #41 – Chocolate Cookies

Every time I pass through a cookie shop, the aroma of freshly baked cookies pulls me to the shop. I check out all the names of the cookies being displayed. And finally don’t buy any and walk off with total joy. Joy of being able to bake any cookie that is named over there.

But when it comes to the cookie family, there has to be chocolate in it, atleast for me to be able to consume it. It’s a chocolate thing! So I decided to make something that is over dosed with chocolate. What I liked about this recipe is, there is no cocoa powder in it and its not the normal creaming method. Fascinating!

I baked till the cookies got crisp, because at times I like it that way. But cookies are described the best if they are chewy. You need to reduce the time of baking to get a chewy version. I’m in love with the look of how these cookies have turned out and I’m still in awe at them. Loads and loads of chocolate you will be surprised if they will take the shape of a cookie.


  • Dark Chocolate – 250 gms
  • Butter – 70 gms
  • Eggs – 2
  • Pure vanilla extract – 1 teaspoon
  • Light brown sugar – 3/4 cup
  • All-purpose flour – 2/3 cup
  • Baking powder – 1/2 teaspoon
  • Salt – 1/4 teaspoon
  • Chocolate chips – 350 gms


1. Pre-heat oven to 180 degree C. Line baking tray with butter paper/silicon mat.
2. Chop butter and chocolate in a microwave safe bowl.

3. Melt butter and chocolate in microwave for about 1 minute until completely melted without any lumps

4. Add both the eggs in a large bowl.

5. Beat both eggs on medium high speed for about 3 minutes until it becomes pale, creamy and thick.

6. Add light brown sugar to the eggs.

7. Beat again on medium high speed for about 3 minutes until the mixture becomes thick and fluffy. Add pure vanilla extract and beat well.

8. Now add the melted butter-chocolate into the eggs mixture.

9.Beat well until everything combines well together.

10. Add flour, baking powder and salt into the liquid mixture.

11. Beat just until the flour combines. Do not over beat.

12.With out hesitating add that whole bunch of chocolate chips into the batter like dough. Trust me!!

13. Fold the chocolate chips using your spatula or a wooden spoon. The batter like, will slowly cease and get close to a dough, still not yet, don’t worry.

14. Use a teaspoon, or a scooper to scoop out the dough onto the prepared cookie sheet. Place them about 3 inches apart. They spread well. Alternately, you can cling wrap the dough and refrigerate it. After an hour, you will be able to scoop out. Then you can make balls, flatten it and then place them on the baking tray. I scooped them fresh.

15. Bake in pre-heated oven for about 15 minutes for a crispier version and 10 to 12 minutes for a chewy version. Cool on wire rack.

They are ready to be eaten while warm. Once they are cooled down completely, store them in airtight containers. They are great for 3 to 4 days at room temperature, about a week in the refrigerator. You can also freeze them,  place in ziplocks if you are planning for huge numbers to be baked few days in advance. They make really nice return gifts, best seller in bake sales, school snacks, evening coffee and a bite of these and many more such times.

You can play with it by adding any nuts of your choice. Walnuts!, almonds or cashews. You can also add white chocolate chips in place of the dark ones. A tablespoon or less of instant coffee powder addition is going to make it divine!

This has been baked for Fondbites, Bake Along, a group of enthusiastic bakers, bake one recipe every week along with me. To join the group, send a join request in the facebook group and I will add you to the group.

Recipes of previous Bake Along can be viewed here
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