
Bake Along #21 – Melting Moments (Whole Wheat)


Bake Along #21 – Melting Moments (Whole Wheat)

Melting moments were in my mind for quite sometime, wanted to really taste how something will melt in my mouth. And I thought probably its just faking out and not really true.

And this is a special week for the group as we successfully manifested our first ‘Bake Along Meet’. It was so fun and lovely to meet everyone. Most of them were known to me so well, we met over some coffee and the best part was we got to share some delicious stuffs from each other. We planned in such a way we will get individual packs from home and distribute across so all of us will take home everything and share with our family :D,

We had pineapple upside down cake, home made laddus and samosas, eggless brownies, home made chocolate sweet, Lemon loaf, neapolitan refrigerator cookies, vanilla cupcakes with chocolate frosting, lemon cookies, blueberry muffins with orange oats streusel topping.

I decided to bake something that I haven’t baked before and I decided to share the recipe with the group and what more fun can it be, if we baked that thing along. Melting Moments in my wish list and sounded so perfect to carry with me. And I decided to finish baking it the night before the meet. And I literally found out I was running out of all- purpose flour and that easy born whole wheat melting moments, I thought let me compromise on the texture and Ican be happy about it. But you got to trust me, this was the best. I dont even want to test try all-purpose flour and this will for ever remain my melting moments.

Here you got to excuse me for not any great pics. I was running out of time, packing, preparing to go with kids and all and the individual pictures were clicked during night and not a great clarity, but still its such an easy recipe that any one would hardly go wrong.


Source : Joyofbaking


  • Whole wheat flour – 1 1/2 cups
  • Cornflour – 1/2 cup
  • Salt – 1/4 teaspoon
  • Icing sugar – 1/4 cup
  • Unsalted butter – 1 cup, at room temperature
  • Pure vanilla extract – 1 teaspoon


  • Icing sugar – 1/2 cup


1. Pre-heat oven to 180 degree C. Line up baking tray with parchment/butter paper. Add butter into your bowl of beater and beat well for few seconds until butter is soft. Now add icing sugar and beat on medium high speed for about 5 minutes until the mixture becomes creamy, fluffy and pale yellow in colour. This process is important because this is when air is incorporated into your dough.

2. Sift together the flours and salt and add it into the butter mixture and beat just until the flour has incorporated into the dough.

3. Its a very soft dough, transfer the dough into a plastic wrap and cover it completely and refrigerate for about 1 to 2 hours.

4. Once you know the dough is firm enough, take it out of refrigerator, remove the cling wrap and scoop out small lemon sized dough and make a nice smooth ball using both your hands and place them on the prepared baking sheets spaced apart by one inch. Bake in pre-heated oven for 15 to 17 minutes just until the edge of the bottom of the cookie turn brown. The top doesn’t change too brown or not even golden yellow. Take them out of oven and wait just few seconds until you are able to bear the heat of cookies. Transfer cookies one by one on a cooling rack with a paper or any sheet underneath. Now dust the icing sugar for topping liberally on top of the cookies while they are still warm. Let them cool completely and store them in airtight containers.

Repeat the same to the whole batch. They store really well at room temperature for a week, refrigerated for more than a month. It is important to use good quality butter because the flavour comes only from the butter, as that’s the major portion of the recipe. Also the dough has very little icing sugar and the sweetness will be compensated on the icing sugar that’s used for topping.

Those looking for the real melting moments and want to give it a shot, just replace whole wheat flour with all- purpose flour and follow the recipe as is, no other change. You can follow variations like adding orange zest/lemon zest/ choco chips/ dry roasted chopped nuts/ chocolate chunks/ crushed biscuits/blueberries/blackcurrants/ rice krispies/ butterscotch crunchies/ and the list could go on.

This has been baked for Fondbites, Bake Along, a group of enthusiastic bakers, bake one recipe every week along with me. To join the group, send a join request in the facebook group and I will send you a confirmation message, after you confirm that you will bake every recipe with me each week, I will add you to the group.