
Bake Along #5 – Christmas Truffles


Bake Along #5 – Christmas Truffles

I see truffles in 2 different ways. One has the center made of icing sugar and cream flavoured as per choice, or a nicely set ganache. This one I am going to show you is made with cake. As much as we have to make christmas truffles, its ideal to make the trufflle with fruit cake. You could, but make these truffles with any cake. To make them festive I have decorated them like a christmas pudding.

I have used white chocolate to decorate the truffles on top. You could also make royal icing for the same.


  • Fruit cake ( or any flflavoured cake) – 300 gms
  • Condensed milk – 2 tablespoons
  • Nuts ( Walnuts, Almonds, Cashews) – 1/3 cup, toasted and fifinely chopped
  • Orange Liquer/Rum – 2 tablespoons
  • Dark Chocolate – 100 gms
  • White Chocolate – 50 gms


  1. Scramble the cake.
  1. Place the scrambled cake on your food processor or your electric beater. Add condensed milk and liquer/alcohol and process until the mixture becomes like a pliable mass. Transfer them on to a plate, add the nuts and knead until they are combined. Make bite sized balls. Refrigerate until they are firm.
  1. Meanwhile, chop the dark chocolate and melt in microwave or a double boiler.
  1. Take the fifirmed cake balls carefully and drop them into the melted chocolate. Use a teaspoon to toss them all over and lift them using your teaspoon, letting the excess chocolate drip back into the bowl. Place them on truffle liners, or a butter paper and let set again at room temperature.
  1. While the truffles are setting, melt some white chocolate and fifill up a small piping cone. Once the truffles are set, pipe the top with some white chocolate giving it a christmas pudding look. Top with some cut cherries. I made some fondant balls

I also popped the truffles on lollipop sticks. Here is a video link, which shows in detail how to make the truffles in pop sticks.
Christmas pudding cake pop video by learn cake decorating online