
Bake Along #39 – Nutella Brioche


Bake Along #39 – Nutella Brioche

I recently came across this beautiful creation by one of my friend. And with all fascination I headed to try it. How in the world can this pattern be even possible? Was the first question that came to my mind. And you will be surprised if you find out how easy one could pull this off. With an equal fascination of revealing the secret behind this beautiful creation to you all, I decided to keep the filling simple and straightforward as in the original recipe, but you can make it savory with any sauce of your choice, some grated cheese.

This is not a pretty one for myself, I could have done a better job, a wee bit neater. But still am pretty much happy with the result with all the quick fixes I had to put in there with the very little time I had to pull it off and unwind the secret behind the flower.

It is a rich dough with butter, milk and eggs. I like my yeast bakes to be very rich like this one. And with nutella this could be the richest yeast baking we might have done so far.

I got inspired from the bread kitchen, a channel in youtube who has some amazing recipes in easy and perfect ways. I have referenced the video link to the recipe. More than what my pictures could tell you, it will be easier for you to take a look at the video of how easy the flower is coming into life.


Inspired from: The bread kitchen

  • All-purpose flour – 500 gms
  • Salt – 1/2 teaspoon
  • Instant dried yeast – 2 teaspoons
  • Granulated white sugar – 2 tablespoons
  • Eggs – 2
  • Butter – 60 gms, melted
  • Milk – 200 ml, luke warm
  • Nutella – 1 cup

To brush:

  • Milk – 1 tablespoons
  • Cooking Oil – 2 tablespoons


1. Test your milk for lukewarm. It should not be cold or very hot. It should be bearable temperature when you put your index finger into the milk and count till 5 and your 5th count should be the maximum possible heat you could bear. Add sugar and yeast into the milk and mix well. Leave it undisturbed for 10 minutes until the mixture froths up. If it does not froth, discard the mixture and start again. Break the eggs into another bowl and beat them lightly. Set aside.

2. Add flour and salt in a big bowl. Mix well. Make a well in the center and pour melted butter, beaten eggs and the yeast milk mixture.2. Add flour and salt in a big bowl. Mix well. Make a well in the center and pour melted butter, beaten eggs and the yeast milk mixture.

3. Mix it well with your hands until the flour is all combined with the liquid mixture. Take the dough onto your work counter and knead for about 20 minutes. Kneading yeast dough has to be stretched away from you and then folded in towards you. Keep doing it until the dough is smooth and shiny. It is good to keep a timer for 20 minutes for beginners.

4. Finally make a ball and place the dough in a butter bowl and cover it with a damp cloth or cling wrap and set aside in a warm place for 1 hour to 1 and a half hours to double in volume.

5. Punch the dough once the first proving has been over and knead it roughly once again. Divide the dough into 4 portions. Take one of the portion and roll it into a circle that is 2 mm thick.

6. Line up your baking tray with a silicon mat. Butter the mat. Or use a butter paper as a lining for your baking tray and also butter the butter paper. Transfer the first rolled out circle dough into the lined baking tray. Add 1/4 cup of nutella to the center of the rolled out dough and use back of a spoon and spread it out throughout, but not till the edges.

7. Now take the second portion of the dough and roll it to the same size. Keep the rolling pin at one end of the circular dough, the end that is opposite to you and roll the rolling pin towards you along with the dough. Now lift the rolling pin along with the dough and place the bottom edge of the dough in sync with the first layer of the dough that is coated with nutella and unroll the rolling pin while the dough falls in place over the first layer. ( This highly complicated-like process is just to ensure the shape of the circular dough is not distorted while transferring from your rolling area on top of the layers.)

8. Now spread nutella over the second layer of the dough and continue doing the same thing to the 3rd and 4th portion of the doughs. Do not spread nutella over the 4th layer.

9. Use a sharp knife to cut the circular layers into 4 exactly, leaving the center. Now go in between the 4 portions and make 8 divisions again keeping the center intact. Now again cut in between the 8 portions making 16 wedges throughout, while keeping the center undisturbed.

10. Here comes the fun part. Take 2 neighbouring wedges. Use both hands, to hold them. Turn the both, opposite to each other. The right hand should turn right and the left hand should turn left. This is the first twist. Now twist them again in the same opposite directions and make the second twist. Now twist them for another half a turn and pinch the outer edges and seal both the wedges while forming one petal of the flower.

11. Here is one more time. Take 2 neighbouring wedges in each of your hands. Twist them in opposite directions. Make 2 and a half twists and then pinch the edges to seal well. Do the same to all the wedges and complete with 8 petals. Voila!!, That simple is this flower making

12. Cover it with cling wrap and let it prove for another 30 minutes to increase in a size a bit. Brush milk over the dough part. Do not put pressure as your brush. Be very careful not to deflate the proving that has happened. Bake in pre-heated oven at 180 degrees for 18 t0 20 minutes until the top is golden brown and the bottom edges are brown. Place on wire rack and immediately brush with oil and let cool completely, or devour them hot/warm.

You could cut the petal wedges to serve or you could give the liberty for each person your are feeding this, to pluck out each petal and serve themselves. This is so much fun doing and there is a rush of excitement with a whole lot of satisfaction with the result of how it looks as well how delicious this would taste. You can add any filling of your choice, starting from a chocolate ganache layer, a dulce de leche filling ( yummm), mayonnaise, pasta sauce and several others depending on our choice.

This has been baked for Fondbites, Bake Along, a group of enthusiastic bakers, bake one recipe every week along with me. To join the group, send a join request in the facebook group and I will add you to the group.

Recipes of previous Bake Along can be viewed here

Members – Once after you finish baking, post the link of your

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