Choco Caramel Tart

Subhashini Ramsingh
Last Update November 6, 2022
2 already enrolled

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This course will be available for purchase only between 1st September and 30th September.

Choco Caramel Tart is one of the most important lesson, part of the 3 month long Basic Baking Online Masterclass. In this ‘Limited Period Sale’, it will be made available for anyone to enroll for this particular course as an individual lesson.

Tart is a delicate pastry that has a base. This base is usually made using a sweet crust pastry. The tart base encases and gives room for the addition of different elements where one can combine flavours and textures. In this lesson, you will learn how to combine salted caramel and smooth and creamy chocolate ganache and make one wholesome tart.

In this lesson, you will learn how to

Enroll in this course, get immediate access to the lesson and get learn how to make this beautiful tart!


9 Lessons

Choco Caramel Tart

Choco Caramel Tart Introduction
Caramel Sauce12:42
Pastry Cream – EGG9:49
Crème Diplomat00:13:36
Tart Dough Making – EGG8:52
Tart Shell Making14:39
Chocolate Mousse2:25
Choco Caramel Tart Assembly9:05

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Subhashini Ramsingh

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Enrollment validity: Lifetime