Lavender is a strong floral flavour that when used in a moderate amount adds a lovely flavour to desserts. In this free tutorial, you will learn how to make a refreshing lavender cake. Watch this and make this cake today.
Fondbites School of Sugar Art offers aspiring bakers and cake decorators across the globe, their much-acclaimed online courses that prepare you to develop your signature style in baking and cake decorating .
Total Payable: ₹8,000
+ 18% GSTÂ
Total Payable: ₹8,500
+ 18% GST
Total Payable: ₹25,000
+ 18% GSTÂ
Total Payable: ₹26,000
+ 18% GST
Total Payable: ₹27,500
+ 18% GST
Total Payable: ₹35,000
+ 18% GSTÂ
Total Payable: ₹36,000
+ 18% GST
Total Payable: ₹37,500
+ 18% GST