Suchisuvra Chakraborty

Suchisuvra Chakraborty

Hailing from Kolkata, Suchisuvra made Dubai her home since 2005. Ever since being introduced to baking, it has been her passion, purpose and prayer. Baking and cake decoration are meditation for her. She joined Fondbites Online Cake Decorating Masterclass to upscale her skills.


She has been one of the most dedicated and sincere student of this batch. She puts tremendous efforts to incorporate all the techniques taught during the course. She is an example of the famous proverb, “Practice makes a man perfect”. Her beautiful red and gold themed buttercream wedding cake is an illustration of how to groom yourself from scratch to produce such a stunning wedding cake as part of the course.


In Suchi’s own words, “Subhashini mam’s guidance throughout the course gave a new definition to the structure and look of the cake. She is a perfectionist and demands the best from each of her students. I never felt that it is an online course because of her round the clock presence and attention. The course helped me take my creation to a verg different level. I am much more confident with the finished product.”